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Mineralstoff- und Vitaminzufuhr ganz gut abde-cken, stellt aber besondere Anforderungen an das Zusammenstellen der Nahrung, um etwa Mangel an Vitamin B12, Kalzium, Jod oder Eisen entgegenzu-wirken. Wegen der geringeren biologischen Wer-tigkeit von pflanzlichem Eiweiß ist eine geeignete Kombination verschiedener Proteinquellen erforder-lich. Ohne Probleme ist dies mit der Ernährung von Eiern und Milchprodukten möglich. Vegetarier neh-men bevorzugt Obst und Gemüse sowie Vollkorn-produkte zu sich und damit mehr Kohlenhydrate und weniger Fett und Cholesterin auf. Übergewich-tigkeit, Herz-Kreislauf-Erkrankungen, Herzinfarkte und Schlaganfälle kommen seltener vor. Diese Le-bensweise hat Ähnlichkeiten mit der mediterranen Ernährung. In den südeuropäischen Ländern steht allerdings Fleisch, wenn auch in deutlich geringerem Maße, auf dem Speisezettel. Schlussbetrachtungen Weitgehend einig sind sich die Wissenschaftler in der Empfehlung, den Fleischkonsum zwar zu be-grenzen, aber nicht auf Fleisch zu verzichten. Sie verweisen dazu auf die für den menschlichen Orga-nismus wichtigen Nährstoffe des Fleisches und die Mineralstoffe Eisen und Zink. Auf der sicheren Seite sollte daher derjenige sein, der weder den Verzehr von tierischen noch pflanz-lichen Lebensmitteln übertreibt und sich an einer ausgewogenen Produktpalette orientiert. Heinz Sielaff und Heinz Schleusener Continued from page 10 Partially saturated fatty acids are also considered as essential nutrients of the organism. They mainly occur in animal fat tissue. They may cause an increase of the blood lipids, which can lead to undesired cholesterol deposits in the blood vessels involving an increased danger of heart attacks and strokes. The WHO recom-mends a maximum level of 10% of unsaturated fatty acids of the daily energy intake. Cereals, vegetable, fruits and other vegetable products are the main source of carbohydrates – in meat, fish and egg they only occur to a limited degree. In the industrialised countries, the energy demand of adults is covered by approx. 45 to 50% by carbohydrates. The German nutrition society (DGE) recommends an even higher share of 55 to 65%. If the carbohydrate supply exceeds the organism‘s demand, the surplus is transformed into fat and stored as depot fat. Compared to fat and carbohydrates, proteins are not a significant source of energy. Their main task is to build and renew body-own proteins. Meat and fish have a protein content of approx. 20%. Of vegetable protein sources, soy beans have by far the largest content amounting to approx. 40%. They are followed with some distance by lenses (20%), cereals have a share of approx. 10%. The DGE defines the energy demand of an adult person with 0.8gkg per kg of body weight with a scope of ~20%. All values of energy demand refer to a person with light to moderate physical labour. 300 % 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 Steigerung in % / Increase in % Energie / Energy Protein / Protein Fett / Fat Kohlenhydrate / Carbohydrates Na + Cl K +Ca Mg P *Fe (*) J F *Vitamin A Vitamin D Vitamin E *Thiamin *Riboflavin *Pyridoxin Folsäure / Folic acid Cobalamin Niacin Pantothens. / Pantothenic acid Vitamin C Steigerung der Empfehlungen für die Nährstoffzufuhr für Schwangere ab dem 6. Monat gegenüber dem Normalbedarf (* kritischer Nährstoff; zit. in Elmadfa und Leitzmann) / Recommendation for an increased supply of nutrients for pregnant women from the 6th month of pregnancy on compared to the average demand (* critical nutrient, acc. to Elmadfa and Leitzmann) Varying demands The energy demand rises or varies in the cases of pregnant and nursing women or babies. Apart from the main nutrients fat, carbohydrates and proteins, the demand for vitamins and mineral substances should be considered. Special consideration should be given to the diet of athletes, people doing hard labour and elderly people. In the case of athletes, the glycogen content in the muscle tissue is meaningful. If the glycogen level is too low, the performance might drop. Another aspect is the loss of minerals, especially sodium chloride (cooking salt) through sweating. If the loss is not compensated in time, this might result in prema-ture exhaustion and muscle cramps. Pregnant women have increased nutrient requirements and from the sixth month of the pregnancy on also of vitamins as well as minerals especially of proteins, calcium and phosphor as well as vitamin D and folic acid. The metabolism of children and adolescents differs from that of adults due to the body growth and is therefore higher. Elder people have lower nutrient requirements. The energy supply should be 2,000kcal in the case of a man and 1,800kcal for a woman. Re-searches indicate that a slight overweight in the old age, can have a positive effect on the live expectant. Energy content and basic metabolism The information on the energy content of food (calories) refers to the digestible energy of a food. They are important means of orientation for the consumers. The 12 2014 NUTRITION ERNÄHRUNG Foto: ©valeriy555 /

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