Transport & Logistik / Transport & Logistics - Schröders Fleisch, Willich: Hygienische Beförderung/Schröders Fleisch, Willich: Compact steel belt conveyors


Transport & Logistik Transport & Logistics Kompakte und hygienische Beförderung Foto: Sandvik Edelstahlbänder waren schon in der Vergangenheit das bevorzugte Ma-terial für eine Vielzahl von Verar-beitungs- und Transportanwendungen in der Lebensmittelindustrie, speziell in der Fleischzerlegung. Mit der Einführung von billigeren Bandmaterialien ging die Verwendung von Edelstahlbändern lang-sam zurück. Heutzutage spielen neben einem geringen Platzbedarf und einer ho-hen Anlagenverfügbarkeit vor allen Din-gen die hygienischen Eigenschaften und die Reinigungsfreundlichkeit zur Vermei-dung von Verunreinigungen eine immer größere Rolle. Im niederrheinischen Traditionsunterneh-men Schröders wird vorwiegend täglich Compact steel belt conveyors The meat-processing industry is again reflecting on the hygienic properties of steel belts. The latest example is Schröders Fleisch in Willich. frisches Rindfleisch von ausgesuchter Spit- Stainless steel belts were, for ma-ny years, the conveying material of choice for a multitude of processing and handling applications in the food processing industry, in particular meat cutting/processing systems. While their use declined as a result of the introduction of cheaper belt materials, this trend is now showing clear signs of reversing as the meat processing industry rediscovers the exceptional hygienic properties of the steel belt. And alongside the ease of cleaning that ensures no risk of cross contamination, processors are also experiencing the bene-fits of better space utilisation and excellent plant availability. One such company is Schröders Fleisch in Willich, Germany, a medium-sized family-owned enterprise. The primary activity of this long-established company from the Lower Rhine region is the dismembering of mainly fresh prime-quality beef. The com-pany has recently commissioned a convey-ing line furnished by ITEC and equipped with a Sandvik steel conveyor belt and other Sandvik components. The conveyor serves as connecting link between the dis-membering lines and the packaging lines. “The smooth and hard surface of steel belts offers numerous advantages,” sais Michael Steinsträter, General Manager of ITEC GmbH, a medium-sized plant construction company, that has designed the new plant for Schröders. “There are no holes, textures or fibers, which could promote the growth of bacteria. A steel belt can be cleaned very easily and effectively – time savings of more than 60 % have been experienced – so consumption of water and cleaning agents is lower. Conveying systems equip- Die fleischverarbeitende Industrie besinnt sich wieder auf die hygienischen Eigenschaften von Stahlbändern. Jüngstes Beispiel ist Schröders Fleisch in Willich. 24 2/2015

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