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Fotos: Ishida Qualitätskontrollsysteme teilen sich einen Ausschuss-behälter für die ausgesonderten Verpackungen. Jaroslav Caha resümiert: „Die Investition in diese Maschinen hat sich gelohnt. Wir haben den Ausstoß deutlich gesteigert und produzieren heute 5 t Süß-waren pro Schicht. Fast noch wichtiger ist aber, dass wir die Genauigkeit bei der Abfüllung diverser Pro-dukte extrem verbessert haben! Gleichzeitig erfüllen wir höchste Ansprüche bei der Qualitätssicherung – ein gutes Verkaufsargument gegenüber unseren Kunden.“ F checkweigher installed at the end of the line ensure quality assurance. Poex now has the capacities to handle the increasing volume of orders. Significantly increased capacity Poex processes different products such as dried fruit or chocolate coated nuts on the new pack-aging line. The products are packed in sleeve C Qualitätskontrolle am Ende der Linie: Das Röntgenprüfsystem IX-EA (rechts) und die Kontrollwaage DACS-W.. Quality inspection at the end of the line: The X-ray inspection system IX-EA (right) and the checkweigher DACS-W. CB Die neue Verpackungslinie bei Poex The new packaging line of Poex B Jaroslav Caha, Leiter der Verpackungsdivision bei Poex, und Dana Harvey, Marketing Poex. Jaroslav Caha, Head of Poex‘s packaging divisions, and Dana Harvey, Marketing Poex. packs or stand-up bags with packaging weights ranging from 30 to 500g. The mutli-head weigher CCW-R increased the output significantly. Jaroslav Caha, Head of Poex’s packaging division gives one example The previous line produced 40 packs of 100g-packs per minute compared with the 75 packs per minute we are now achieving. That‘s a near-90% improvement. With the new Ishida CCW-R- multi-head weigher, the accuracy, even at the higher speeds, has been such that giveaway is down to near zero. For a 100 g target weight, the mean weight is about 100.1 g and standard deviation is only about 0.2 g. Jaroslav Caha says: “In the past, the problem was that the faster we ran the machines, the less accurate they became. Also it was quite difficult to adjust the level of feeder vi-bration right in order to keep the product flowing.” Safety without performance losses Poex were, however, looking for more than simple improvements in production efficiency. In order to optimise quality control as well, an X-ray system and checkweighers have also been Continued from page 20 integrated into the line. These systems were also supplied by Ishida “from one source“. The X-Ray inspection system IX-EA reliably detects low levels of materials including metal, glass, stone, rubber and plastic. As the products pass the inspection chamber with a high belt speeds of up to 60 m/min, the material detection doesn‘t limit the line‘s output. Stationed immediately after the X-Ray system, a DACS-W checkweigher, ensures that mandatory weight regulations are met. This high-performance system is suitable for the integration in both dry and humid environments. Both systems share a double reject bin for rejected packs. Jaroslav Caha summarises: “The investment in this machines has paid off. We have achieved our aim of increasing capacity, with a typical output performance of five tons of confectionery per shift. But even more important is the extremely improved accuracy across a range of products! At the same time, we fulfil high quality standards. This is a very good sales argument for our cust-omers.“ F REPORTAGE REPORTAGE 22 2013

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