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4/2013 17 Fotos: Nubert URSCHEL INTERNATIONAL LIMITED Jan van der Horst, Sales Director, Christel Böhmer, Branch Manager Germany Bei gefrorener Peperoni-Wurst z. B., die in 6,4 mm Würfel ge-schnitten werden soll, erreicht sie etwa 6.350 kg/ h. Dabei wird das Produkt über den Beschi-ckungstrichter der rotierenden Mitnehmertrommel zugeführt. Die Zentrifugalkraft treibt es gegen die Schneidkammer-Innenseite. durch ihre hohe Leistung und der hygienischen Konstruktion aus. Sie ist die größte Würfelschnei-demaschine, die Urschel bisher entwickelt hat. Sie schneidet z. B. Würfel und Streifenschnitte aus Salami, gekochtem Schin-ken, Schinkenspeck und Rind-fleisch mit sehr hoher Leistung. MAREL TOWNSEND FURTHER PROCESSING Henri Janssen, Sales Manager beef with a very high throughput. In the case of frozen pepperoni cut into dices with edge lengths of 6.4mm, this machine achieves a performance of 6,350kg per hour. The product is delivered to a feed hopper and transported towards a rotating impeller. Centrifugal force holds the product against the in-side of the case. Impeller paddles carry the product past the slicing knife. An adjustable slice gate at the top of the case determines the slice thickness. The slices pass between the rotating feed drum and feed roll before they enter the circular knives where they are cut into strips. The strips pass direct- For more than 40 years quality is our program 24 hours service for Wiegand it is perfectly natural Hermann Wiegand GmbH, Am Anger 27, 36169 Rasdorf, Tel: -49(0)6651/9600-0, Fax: +49(0)6651/9600-16, Internet:, E-Mail: Profi-Schliff Wet grinding, wet polishing. Directly use at place of work. For knifes of each kind. New: Wet grinding, dry polishing. The new „Schnellschliff“ offers a perfect result in seconds. The guarantee for optimal binding results for meat of each kind. E.g. collared meat with or without filling. Also poultry and fish. Collared meat and ham can be processed consistent and careful into net bag or case. And in addition: The fully automatic net gatherer. The original looping machine makes up to 2800 loops per hour. With the Stockmat the pieces can hung directly on the curing stick. Special Nachbericht Review

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